BERDO – Boston Energy Benchmarking

What is Energy Benchmarking?

In an effort to track the energy use of large commercial properties, most major U.S. cities have mandated benchmarking. Benchmarking requires property owners to annually measure their energy and water consumption and report usage to their cities through ENERGY STAR...
BERDO – Boston Energy Benchmarking

Buying Energy On Your Own vs. Buying with Albireo

We are all constant consumers. We start our morning by buying our daily coffee, maybe grabbing a newspaper and a breakfast sandwich. We buy food for dinner and clothes for the family. And of course, we also have to make those big purchases on occasion; the...
Hand holding a lightbulb with coins inside.

10 Mind-Blowing Energy Efficiency Actions for Data Centers

Hand with energy icons appearing from fingers

Turn Energy Usage and Building Data into Actionable Items