Dec 23, 2019 | Trends, Sustainability

9 Compelling Reasons to put Energy Management at the Top of Your List in 2020

We’ve pulled together 9 reasons around why you should focus on energy management in 2020

Energy management covers much more than selecting energy-efficient systems and changing to LED lighting. Energy costs are one of the largest expenditures that a facility has and using less means paying for less, but a comprehensive energy management strategy can create savings in more than just the cost of energy. A provider like Albireo Energy has services and solutions that can improve operational efficiency, improve safety, improve tenant comfort, reduce maintenance costs and assist in energy procurement. Here are nine different ways that a complete energy management strategy will benefit your enterprise.

Reason #1: You can save money

That’s basically the number one reason most firms implement anything, to improve the bottom line. The obvious savings are in selecting energy-efficient equipment and lighting, but there are more ways to save. Albireo performs energy audits to ascertain which energy conservation measures would produce the best return on investment (ROI). Retrocommissioning, which is inspecting systems to ensure that they are performing at the optimum levels and output as designed. Albireo can optimize your energy procurement, ensuring that you get the most competitive price from the best supplier. We have the expertise to evaluate the energy demand of the facility, to create a strategy around best management. Our Utility Module Platform provides annual budgeting and contract management to assist in Energy Demand Management for serious impact on the bottom line. By taking an overall view of energy use, it is possible to achieve savings of thirty percent with cost effective solutions.

Reason #2: Better Building Management

One of the basic elements of an energy management strategy incorporates energy management software.  This software produces an energy scorecard that will allow you to evaluate your energy consumption on a monthly basis. Benchmarking has become a requirement for compliance with many government and lender programs, and this software monitors usage to assure that requirements are being met and costly fines are avoided. The software interface provides transparent insight into how each system is using energy to inform upper management when maintenance or replacement is warranted before costly failure happens. Being on top of energy consumption can be very revealing in all aspects of operation and can instigate preventative measures that keep facilities running at best outputs.

Reason #3: Earn Rebates

Utility and Government programs offer rebates for installing energy-efficient measures and equipment. The EPA has developed the ENERGY STAR program that has resources and incentives to assist facilities in improving their energy management and consumption. This means you can receive some extra money when making improvements that you were going to make anyway. Albireo has experience finding and applying for the maximum rebates available for the measures that are being implemented.

Reason #4: Good Public Relations

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teen activist, has gained international recognition speaking on climate change. This is a very relevant topic today. Any enterprise showing effort and awareness around energy conservation will create a super positive company image that consumers will identify with and want to support. Energy conservation can be embedded in company branding.

Reason #5: Occupant Comfort

Incorporating building automation into your energy management plan has an added side effect of improving occupant comfort by controlling working environment temperatures. Building automation can be incorporated into a program on small to large scales and can be used to save energy by turning systems on when spaces are occupied and off or lower when unoccupied. Therefore, when rooms are occupied they will be more comfortable for workers without wasting energy by continuous running of the HVAC systems. The balance will be less consumption by the HVAC systems.

Reason #6: Leader in Your Industry

Much of the technology being developed around energy management and building automation is cutting edge. Researchers and developers recognize the importance of creating products that must improve system output and decrease energy demands. New products and features are being released daily. A partner like Albireo has their finger on the pulse of the industry, has partnerships with the top suppliers and experts, and can guide an enterprise to the best products available that will ensure company goals are being met. With a well-planned strategy, a company can achieve energy savings better than seventy-five percent of companies in the country.

Reason #7: Accolades

There are many awards available to recognize companies that work to achieve energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR program certifies industries and recognizes partners. The Alliance to Save Energy recognizes companies that show leadership in energy efficiency.  Many utilities offer awards to industry leaders in their regions. Your company can earn certificates, be recognized in publicized ceremonies, and give speeches on how great your company is.

Reason #8: Reduce Green House Gases

Climate change and greenhouse gases (GHG) are prominent in the social consciousness. Industry in America uses about thirty two percent of the total energy consumption for the country. Reducing energy usage reduces power plant emissions, conserves natural resources and saves ecosystems and animals. It’s the right thing to do.

Reason #9: Just Plain Cool Tech

Admit it, when you walk into a room and the lights turn on for you, it is way cool. That is one of the obvious aspects of energy efficiency and the IoT. But integrating systems that monitor themselves and give you reports, that incorporate the latest tech to streamline and improve their performance, and reduce your workload because you can monitor them remotely is exciting. Analyzing data gathered from high tech sensors and recognizing insufficiencies takes the guesswork out of planning management projects and gives you another level of confidence that you are moving your enterprise forward for the best.

After considering the nine reasons listed here, it is obvious that if you haven’t already, you should take a comprehensive look at your energy management system. Since the cost of energy is one of the highest portions of business spending, it stands to reason that the biggest efficiencies and savings can be achieved when management is improved. If you don’t have a dedicated energy management program in place, whatever business you are in, you need one. Partner with an expert firm like Albireo and watch the savings and improvements to your operations roll in.

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